What is PLAR?
Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) enables individuals to receive post-secondary credit for what they already know through previous work or volunteer experience. This can potentially save students time and cost in completing their program of study. Post-secondary institutions and specific programs offer PLAR services in different ways, so it is important that students reach out to their intended program of study/institution early, and confirm the institution’s specific process, timelines and fees before getting started. Many institutions recommend completing the PLAR process before signing up for classes, so it is important to get started early. For more detailed information on the process, please visit Transfer Alberta.

Using your military training to get credits in your academic program
Post-secondary institutions appreciate the wealth of experience military members and Veterans bring. Each institution and program handles credits differently. Some institutions can help you explore your PLAR options.

Additional PLAR and Transfer Credit Resources
Get credit for prior learning or experience – Find out how to use your prior education or work experience for possible credit towards a post-secondary program in Alberta.
Transfer courses and programs – Learn about getting admitted, transferring and support for planning your pathway through post-secondary.
Transfer prior learning to an apprenticeship program – Find out how to transfer your education or work experience to an apprenticeship program in Alberta.
Transfer Alberta Search Tool – Use this tool to see if your previous courses or programs are available for admissions or transfer credit into another program.