Complete the readiness assessment tool
Military Transition Engagement & Partnerships (MTEP) has created a self-assessment tool for Post-Secondary Institutions. Military, Veteran, Family friendly PSIs can register to be listed through the MTEP and National Resource Directory Registration.

Military Transition Engagement and Partnerships (MTEP) Definitions
MVF (Military-Veteran-Family) Ready: The organization has an established MVF strategy and associated funding programs and is actively promoting the MVF value proposition. Examples include well-defined HR processes, and education, training or professional development tracks that support the MVF demographic, formal integration of Reservist (part-time military service) demographics into your organization and are actively sharing best practices to support the MVF community with other organizations.
MVF (Military-Veteran-Family) Friendly: The organization formally recognizes the MVF value proposition and has a desire to implement an MVF strategy and associated funding programs. Examples include a rudimentary HR process or admission and student success programs, that target the MVF demographic, a willingness to support the integration of Reservist (part-time military service) demographics into your organization, and a willingness to share best practices to support the MVF community with other organizations.

Determine military and veteran student status
In order to connect with military and Veteran students attending your institution, you will first need to know who they are.

Connect with military and veteran
A Military and Veteran Friendly Campus (MVFC) Peer Mentorship Program is designed to match incoming and current military or Veteran students with experienced students/alumni/staff/ faculty who have Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) military or reservist backgrounds.
Photo: Corporal PJJ Létourneau, 19 Wing Imaging